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Welcome to the
Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police

Police Chiefs united for a secure Blue Pacific

Welcome to the
Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police

The PICP brings together Pacific Police Chiefs to exchange information, share learnings, and form regional agreements. The Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police (PICP) was founded in 1970 in Suva, Fiji and is one of the oldest regional bodies in the Pacific. Over the past 50 years, the PICP has worked continuously to build safer and more secure communities by improving policing.

There are 22 members in the PICP, with the Commissioner, Chief or Director of Police of each national police service representing the member state.


Police Chiefs united for a secure Blue Pacific


Empowering Chiefs to connect, collaborate, and lead Pacific Policing excellence now and in the future

We work to enhance investigations capability to address
the highest regional crime priorities.

We work to share information and resources faster and more effectively
to better fight crime and respond to emergencies.

We work to identify leadership development opportunities
and improve succession planning.

Ensuring we have a strong workforce in every jurisdiction and sufficient resources
is critical to enable effective policing.