PICP.Secretariat@police.govt.nz or Call: +64 (04) 470 7346

51st PICP Conference 2024, Nuku'alofa, Tonga

Police Chiefs and Commissioners from across the Pacific came together in the Kingdom of Tonga recently for the 51st Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police (PICP) conference. The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Our Blue Pacific on the Global Stage’, providing the opportunity for Pacific Police to discuss and showcase the diversity and resilience they can bring to the global stage. Our profound gratitude and appreciation to @Tonga Police and the Government of Tonga for the outstanding hospitality, professionalism and dedication displayed to delivering a successful conference. Thank you for hosting the PICP, so Police Chiefs and Commissioners can continue working together to build safer and more secure communities, and to support each other in times of need.

#OurBluePacific #SaferTogether

We work to enhance investigations capability to address
the highest regional crime priorities.

We work to share information and resources faster and more effectively
to better fight crime and respond to emergencies.

We work to identify leadership development opportunities
and improve succession planning.

Ensuring we have a strong workforce in every jurisdiction and sufficient resources
is critical to enable effective policing.