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Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police
Executive Leadership Team Meeting
Australian Institute of Police Management, Sydney, Australia
14 – 15 February 2023

1. The Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police (PICP) Executive Leadership Team (ELT) meeting was held at the Australian Institute of Police Management (AIPM) from 14 – 15 February 2023. The meeting was attended by Police Chiefs and Commissioners from Australia, Fiji, Guam, New Zealand (NZ), Niue, Samoa, Tonga, and Vanuatu. Guam was represented at Lieutenant level, and the NZ Police Commissioner joined the meeting virtually.

2. Observers in attendance were from the NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Fiji Police Force, Australian Federal Police and NZ Police.


3. A special leadership session was held on 14 February for ELT, where members reflected on the core functions of ELT, discuss expectations of the wider collective - members, the Secretariat, and partners - and progress against the PICP Strategic Plan 2020 – 2024.

4. ELT agreed for a monthly virtual meeting to be established for all 22 members of the PICP, to stay abreast of activities and key law enforcement issues occurring in the region. This will be facilitated by the PICP Secretariat and is scheduled to commence in March 2023.

5. ELT noted the key outcomes of the joint Pacific Community for Law Enforcement Cooperation (PCLEC) and Pacific Police Training Advisory Group (PPTAG) Conference held in Brisbane, Australia in November 2022, and re-emphasized the need to strengthen awareness on PCLEC’s role as the primary coordination mechanism for capability development initiatives with Pacific Police Organizations. As part of this, ELT strongly encourages members of the PICP to engage regularly with their PCLEC National Coordinators.

Appointment of Tonga Police Commissioner Shane McLennan as Acting Chair, PICP

6. ELT recalled that at the 49th PICP Conference hosted by the Fiji Police Force in 2022, the Chair of PICP was handed over to Commissioner Robert Guerrero of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) Department of Public Safety. Tonga Police Commissioner Shane McLennan was subsequently elected by members, and appointed Deputy Chair.

7. ELT noted that in February 2023, the Acting Chief of the CNMI Department of Public Safety formally requested to step down from their role as Chair of the PICP and host of the PICP 2023 annual Conference. As a result, the Deputy Chair of the PICP Tonga Police Commissioner McLennan assumed the role of Acting Chair, thus opening the role of Deputy Chair.

8. ELT acknowledged and expressed their appreciation to the CNMI Department of Public Safety for their leadership of the PICP. ELT also echoed sentiments shared by the Executive Director that the CNMI Department of Public Safety remains a much-valued member of the PICP collective.  

Seeking Nominations for a new Deputy Chair, PICP

9. ELT agreed for the Secretariat to commence an out of session election process for a new Deputy Chair. Nominations will be sought from members of the PICP, with the election process to be conducted electronically. As per Article 3.2 of the PICP Constitution, the Deputy Chair will be responsible for hosting the 2025 annual PICP Conference and effective immediately, is a member of ELT. Members of PICP will be contacted by the Secretariat with further detail on this.  

2023 Annual PICP Conference

10. ELT noted that an alternative nomination to host the 2023 Annual Conference is being sought. However, for the purposes of regional rotation, agreed for the 2023 annual Conference to remain with the Pacific sub-grouping of Micronesia. The location and host will be confirmed in March 2023.

11. ELT noted a proposal by the Secretariat to amend the structure of the annual Conference to include sessions dedicated to a closed partners dialogue and country reports against the PICP’s eight mandated programmes, in addition to the Conference theme. The Secretariat will develop a final proposed Conference structure for the ELT’s consideration.


12. ELT noted the release of the 2021-22 Pacific Transnational Crime Assessment, which highlighted an increase in online child exploitation reporting, cybercrime reporting, illicit drug seizures, and environmental crimes throughout the region. Key recommendations included increasing information sharing and encouraging Transnational Crime Units to strengthen multiagency coordination to assist with combatting transnational and organised crime activities.

13. ELT agreed with sentiments shared by the Samoa Police Commissioner for development partners to adhere to due process in offers for resourcing (staff) at the Pacific Transnational Crime Coordination Centre (PTCCC) in Apia, Samoa. The Commissioner reiterated that the PTCCC is a regional facility, therefore all offers for assistance and any requests must be addressed to the PICP Secretariat, who will circulate it to members of the PICP for consideration.


14. ELT welcomed the new PICP website and secure portal, developed by NZ Police Cyber Security Specialist Enoka Feterika. The secure portal will play a key role in the storage of key programme and training resources, including updates from the Secretariat. The new website is scheduled to be launched in March 2023. ELT expressed their appreciation to Mr Feterika for his work in developing the website.

15. ELT welcomed progress on the development of the PICP’s Well-being and Resilience Programme, the PICP’s newest programme endorsed by Chiefs at the 49th annual Conference. Given its multidimensional and cross-cutting nature, it was acknowledged that timeframes for establishing the programme will be extended, to provide the Secretariat with sufficient time to explore the best approach for delivering it. An update will be provided at the next ELT meeting. ELT expressed their appreciation to Seconded Pacific Officer Ulaiasi Tamanisau of the Fiji Police Force, currently working with the Secretariat, for his work on developing this programme.


Eight PICP Mandated Programmes

16. ELT noted achievements across its eight programmes over last six months, and key priorities and planned activities for the next six months. Key deliverables for the next six months include a range of capability development initiatives (i.e., workshops and training), meetings (Pacific Forensic Working Group, Road Safe Pacific and Gender and Family Harm), and impending programme evaluations (Cyber Safety Pasifika).

17. ELT highlighted and reinforced that with continuously growing interest from current and potential development partners, PCLEC and PPTAG play a key role in the coordination of activities across the region and ensuring that any training delivered is fit for purpose.    


18. The next ELT meeting will be held in conjunction with the 50th PICP Conference in August 2023.  

19. Members of the ELT expressed their sincere thanks and appreciation to the AIPM for hosting the meeting and accommodating participants.

PICP Secretariat, Wellington, New Zealand
24 February 2023